National and international talks on cutting edge medicinal chemistry research. Attendance is free - registration required.
13:00 Registration
13:30 Symposium Opening
Session 1. Chair Christian M. Pedersen
13:45 Enabling access to gaseous reagents and SuFEx hubs for
Prof. Wim De Borggraeve, Dept. of Chemistry, KU Leuven, Belgium
14:30 Sweet, sweet vaccines: development of carbohydrate-based
vaccines for oncology and infectious disease
Prof. Mads H. Clausen, Dept. of Chemistry, DTU, Denmark
15:05 Amine containing inhibitors and their acid/base behavior in
the protein active site
Prof. Mikael Bols, Dept. of Chemistry, Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark
15:40 Coffee break
Session 2. Chair Lennart Bunch
15:55 Using simulation to understand the mechanism of transport
and drug uptake in Peptide Transporters
Prof. Phil Biggin, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Oxford, UK
16:40 Development of subtype-specific NMDA receptor modulators
Prof. Rasmus P. Clausen, Dept. of Drug Design and Pharm.,
Uni. of Copenhagen, Denmark
17:15 Drinks, Posters and Scientific Match Making event
18:00 Reception dinner
21:00 Symposium ends
The Scientific Match Making, is an activity open for everyone. It is a 10 min informal 1:1 chat between participants on a common topic and/or interest. Sign up with multiple topics and/or named persons and we will do the matching. There will be time for up to two rounds.
We will print your poster free of charge! Simply send us your PDF file as A0 high format, by Monday May 20, 2024. You can then pick it up at the registration desk. Email: and mark it POSTER FOR PRINT.
Attendance is free of charge. Registration required.
Register here, May 27th, 2024 at the latest.